ACT NOW! What we do today will determine the future of all on our planet!
Three Seconds
Climate change includes both global warming driven by human emissions of greenhouse gases, and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.
Kiss The Ground
The must-see trailer for Kiss the Ground. Watch it and discover a simple solution for climate change.
How to Save Our Planet
It’s simple. Sir David Attenborough explains how humans can take charge of our future and save our planet.
WWF International
Could Electric Vehicles be Bad for the Environment?
Thinking of buying an electric car to help the environment? This video discusses when and where EVs are most beneficial for cutting carbon emissions.
Single-Use-Plastic Takes Years to Decompose and Cause Serious Damage to The Environment and to our Health.
Break Free From Plastic
POWERFUL VIDEO: Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD | Oceana
Plastic bricks in Kenya
Nzambi Matee: Founder, Gjenge Makers engineer, which produces sustainable low-cost construction materials made of recycled plastic waste and sand.
Nzambi Matee: twitter@nzambimatee_ke
Oregon's rivers
With key Oregon rivers lacking protection, a bill in Congress would designate many of them as Wild and Scenic – more mileage of rivers than in any other state.
Meet William Kamkwamba
Meet James Wakibia
Meet Afroz Shah
Meet Andre Bauma
Meet Leydy Pech
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: When he was 14, he built an electricity-producing windmill from spare parts and scrap. Since then, he has built a Sustainable Energy solar-power.
William KamkwambaMalawi 
An environmental activist and lawyer best known for organizing the world's largest beach clean-up project inspired by his love for the beach.
Afroz ShahIndia 
Legendary ranger, guide and wildlife rescuer who has devoted his life to caring for the mountain gorillas of Virunga National Park, in the Congo.
Andre BaumaCongo 
Indigenous Mayan beekeeper, led a coalition that successfully halted Monsanto’s planting of genetically modified soybeans in southern Mexico
Leydy PechMexico